Confirmed Speakers

International Session

Akke Draijer de-Jong. QLSc

Delft, Zuid-Holland, Nederland
President at Sasak Studio Sejati, Indonesia NTB

Speech: “Oppression and liberation: the role of religion and culture”

Akke is the President at Studio Sasak Sejati/Co-Founder, Treasurer and Educational Expert of Yayasan Kebon Sepatu, Indonesia NTB. She was previously active aas Management Assistant and Para-Legal to the National Member of the Netherlands, Legal Services and Budget Finance and Procurement at Eurojust from 2005-2018. She was also the Liaison Officer – SCIIN (social cultural institute Indonesia-Netherlands). She has acquired accreditations and certifications from Harvard, Leiden University, Case Western Reserve, Open University UK, Leicester University, in Judiciary/Forensic Science and Social Psychology/  Anthropology/Sociology and Philosophy studies.  Akke is now also the International Ambassador of Peneleh Jang Oetama Foundation for the Netherlands.

Prof. Dr. Siti Nabiha Abdul Khalid

Universiti Sains Malaysia

Speech: “Accounting for Well-being”

Siti Nabiha is a professor in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Siti-Nabiha obtained her doctorate in Accounting from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Her research interests are in the area of management accounting, specifically accounting and organizational change, performance management, and sustainability control systems in both the public and private sectors. Prior to joining USM, she served for over 10 years at Universiti Utara Malaysia, both at the School of Management and the School of Banking and Finance. Furthermore, she was formerly Deputy Dean (Research) at the Graduate School of Business, USM, and a chairperson of the research panel of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Centre of Excellence, South East Asia. She has been appointed as one of the Peer Review Team Members (Accounting Program) of ABEST 21 (The Alliance on Business and Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow).

Dr. Yogi Simhanath

Gorakhnath Temple, Nepal

Speech: “Indigenous Knowledge for National Defence”

Yogi Simhanath received his PhD from Tribhuvan University, Nepa in 2003. He is concerned with national defense. He has given several speeches, such as “Nepal: The Consequences and Implications of the Rise of Religious Nationalism for Peace-building” at the 2nd International Conference on Religion and Culture in Conflict and Peace: Reconciliation and Peace building in South Asia, 26-27 March 2019, Lumbini, Nepal, amongst others. He once served as the Head of the Department, Strategic Studies, Royal Nepalese Military Academy Kharipati, Bhaktapur, after retiring as Major of the Royal Nepalese Army. Dr. Yogi Simhanath is now the International Ambassador of Peneleh Jang Oetama Foundation for Nepal.

National Session

Dr. Aji Dedi Mulawarman

Head of Board of Trustee Yayasan Peneleh Jang Oetama

Speech: Dekolonisasi Sains melalui Paadigma Nusantara

Aji Dedi Mulawarman is a lecturer of Universitas Brawijaya. He is currently also active as the Head of Islamic Economics and Business Lecturers Forum ( and a member of national presidium Masyarakat Akuntansi Multiparadigma Indonesia ( Aji Dedi is a reviewer both in international and national journals, and he is an active writer. His best selling books are “Jang Oetama: Jejak dan Perjuangan HOS Tjokroaminoto” (2015), “2024: Hijrah untuk negeri” (2019) as well as “Akuntansi Pertanian: a Prophetic Legacy” (2020). Together he also co-authored several books such as “Semesta Sejahtera” (2021), “Netnography: Understanding to Constructing Reality” (2021). Aji is also currently active as Director of Bani Hasyim, an international school in Singosari, Malang.

Dr. Setio Kuncono, SH., SE., MM., MBA

Founder of Confucius Study Park

Speech: Ilmu dalam Perspektif Khonghucu

Setio Kuncono or well-known as Ongky is an activist, businessman, scholar, as well as a lecturer. He is the director of PT. Merak Jaya Transport that was before his appointment he served in PT.Kasogi Internasional,Tbk. Kuncono is the founder of Study Park of Confucius (2000) which now transforms to, a book publisher. Kuncono is curretly an active writer in various magazines and bulletins. He is a visiting lecturer in Post Grad program of Religious study in UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah), Development study in ITS-Surabaya, UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and many others. He is a very active writer. Some of his works are: “Perkawinan Perspektif Khonghucu/Marriage in Konghucu Perspective” (1997), “The Key of Harmonious Life” (2002), “The Spirit of Medissa”(2010), “Sumbangsih Agama Khonghucu Terhadap Keberhasilan Bisnis Etnik Tionghoa Serta Memberi Warna Cantik Dalam Bisnis” (2012), “Khonghucu Poligami?” (2015), and his latest “Inspirasi Kehidupan (2021) as well as “Leadership And Entrepreneurial Leadership” (2021).

I Wayan Juniarta

Bali Governor’s Expert Group

Speech: Kesatuan Ilmu dan Budaya dari Perspektif Hindu

I Wayan Juniarta is a well-known national figure in arts. In 2019, he served as a curator, Bali International Literary Festival. Since 2018 he has been an active member of the Bali Governor’s Experts Group on Development. He is also still active since 2010 as Denpasar Documentary Film Festival, as member of the Board of Judges. I Wayan Juniarta also a served in The Jakarta Post, as staff writer and editor. In 2007-2020, I Wayan Juniarta served as the National Program Manager in the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. He was involved in Nawanatya annual contemporary arts festival, served as its curator and program designer. His literary skill is outstanding. I Wayan Juniarta was the editorial board in Bali Orti, the island’s first weekly publication in Balinese language, served in editorial board as well as a reporter in Kompas. I Wayan Juniarta was given Media Award for courageous reporting from the 14th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-related Harm and Widya Pataka literary award from Bali Government. He has published several books: Bungklang Bungkling (2008) and Kaldera Batur (co-author, 2019).