Confirmed Speakers for INCRECS 4

International Session

Dr. Aida Sy

She is currently a professor in Farmingdale State College, State University of New York, and Co-Director Critical Accounting Projects Inc. Aida is an invited Researcher University of Bordeaux 4 Montesquieu, and University of Paris 9 Dauphine. She is active as editor in International Journal of Critical Accounting (IJCA), International Journal of Economics and Accounting (IJEA), African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development (AJESD), African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (AJAAF).

Dr. Ari Kamayanti

She is currently a member of supervisory board of Peneleh Research Institute and lecturer in Politeknik Negeri Malang. Ari is and active writer. Her recents works are novel in accounting theories “Konspira(kuntan)si 1” and “Konspira(kuntan)si 2”. She is Chief in Editor in International Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies (nationally ranked and internationally indexed) and reviewer in several national and international journal.

National Session

Dr. Ayudia Sokarina

Ayudia is currently the Director Peneleh Research Institute and also a lecturer in Universitas Mataram. She has contributed in several book chapters: Metodologi Paradigma Nusantara, Netnography: From Understanding to Constructing Reality. She has been actively involved in research for village empowerment since 2021.

Dr. Asfi Manzilati

Dr. Asfi Manzilati is the assistant to dean in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya. She is also active in Islamic Economics and Business Lecturers Forum (FORDEBI) as Expert Advisor.

Dr. Erna Andajani

Dr. Erna Andajani is a lecturer in Universitas Surabaya.